Dent Puller Malaysia, dent removal malaysia
Dedicated for various dent pulling and straightening body shop operations, the GYSPOT EXPERT 400 is a high spec machine able to deliver up to 4500A of power. The welding current and welding duration are set separately for a more accurate control of the impact to galvanise and particularly thin steel sheet.
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The GYSTUD ArcPull 350 is an arc-drawn welding machine designed for sheet metal work and the welding of steel and aluminum studs, up to M8 diameter, to sheet metal. It is also suitable for repairing dents in bodywork using pulling rings and rods for rivet extraction.
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Our latest, 2-in-1 dent-pulling machines. The COMBISPOT 230 V allows panel beaters to carry out dent-pulling operations on both steel and aluminium car bodywork without the need for stripping or disassembling parts. Guaranteed to save money and time thanks to its ergonomic torch for steelwork as well as its specialised aluminium torch.
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